2013. May 23.

Laudation speech of Gábor D. Horváth at the Charta XXI Reconciliation Award ceremony

Honored guests, ladies and gentlemen! The recipient of the first annual Reconciliation and Cooperation award is Štefan Hríb. The Slovak newspaper reporter was born fifty years […]
2013. May 23.

Charta XXI Reconciliation and Cooperation Award for Stefan Hrib

This spring, the Charta XXI movement asked its supporters, or rather the signatories of Charta XXI, to put forwards the names of persons they felt suitable […]
2013. February 26.

Young, brilliant and committed for reconciliation – Meet Bojan Francuz, Charta XXI intern in Brussels

Bojan Francuz is from Backi Monostor, Serbia and is currently studying at St. Norbert College in Wisconsin, USA.
2013. February 25.

Jakov Bojović: Reconciliation as the key towards a prosperous future – Efforts and possibilities in my home country

Reconciliation is a term that causes much controversy. What does it mean? How much is it a continuous process, to what extent is it abstract, who […]

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